Friday, August 20, 2021


Food Safety Management ACT ( FSMA ) is the most fundamental reform of food safety law in decades. Naturally, many food and beverage manufacturers and processors face significant challenges in meeting their requirements. In fact, many people still suffer from the extra workload. The FSMA not only requires a cautious approach to addressing food safety threats, it also places an administrative burden on many companies with stringent record keeping requirements. Therefore, many companies use Food Safety Management software as a solution.

If your facility is subject to FSMA and you are currently using manual or offline processes to manage your food safety data, you may need a more flexible solution. FSMA has strict record keeping requirements in terms of supplier management, hazard analysis and preventive control, performance monitoring and corrective actions. In addition, FDA officials can request records to be provided within 24 hours.


 Implementing food safety and compliance software ensures that your records are current, accurate, and accessible so that your facility is fully prepared for FSMA inspections. Real-time workshops help companies better prepare for regulatory audits. The software does not use manual recording or offline systems, but digitizes all program data to provide instant visibility and a higher level of food safety control. This not only saves your company 50-80% of audit preparation time, it also ensures that your facility is ready for audit at any time.

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